"Dive into a holistic approach to Heart health as we delve into the intricate relationship between Homocysteine, wholesome Snacks, and combating Heart Issues and Heart Conditions. Discover actionable insights for nurturing your heart's well-being in this comprehensive guide."
1.1 Homocysteine
Hello Dr. Toma here I know in our last Blog we talked about the importance of getting home tested if you come back with results that are higher than normal then we follow up and figure out why it's higher than normal we may do uh genetic testing for MTH far we may look and see if your amino acid levels are good but the main thing you need to know is if homocysteine is elevated it can cause a numerous other issues
Going on in your body from cardiovascular issues to memory issues to even the way you sleep at night so it's important to get it tested once it is tested we take those results and figure out what the next steps are to help you overcome issues that you're dealing with have a great day
1.2 Heart Health
* High-Endurance Exercise ok for Heart Health;
1.3 Heart Issues ( Disease )
* Sign That You Have a Heart Disease
1.4 Heart Health Snacks ( Foods )
* Top 25 Foods for Heart Health
Heart-healthy foods 25 top foods that prevent heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in the United States coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease killing almost 380 000 people annually in the United States heart attack occurs every 34 seconds every 60 seconds someone dies from a heart disease-related event heart disease kills one in three women more than breast cancer and all forms of cancer combined 71 million American adults 33.5 of the population have high cholesterol a major contributing risk factor for heart disease and only one out of every three adults have the condition under control diet and exercise are the main ways to prevent heart disease ensures long-term health and prevents chronic disease heart-healthy foods deliver power-packed phytonutrients that help to prevent and repair cellular damage and valuable macro and micronutrients to ensure optimal heart health many foods also aid in preventing high cholesterol and clogging of heart arteries that can lead to to the need for bypass surgery or premature death from a heart attack olive oil has been shown to reduce heart disease and is one of the main staples of the Mediterranean diet a recent study showed it reduces heart disease by 30 percent in high-risk patients and by 9 in healthy individuals in addition here are 25 more foods that prevent heart disease in the heart healthy foods that can aid in the protection of your cardiovascular system please read the blog until the end and ring the notification bell so you don't miss any articles Number 1 salmon according to the American Heart Association omega-3 fatty acids are heart-healthy fats fall under the category of polyunsaturated fats regular intake of these healthy fats helps to lower the risk of harder hypnosis that often results in sudden death slow plaque buildup in the heart and lower triglyceride levels Number 2 flaxseed flaxseed provides omega-3 fatty acids along with fiber and phytoestrogens that help to lower bad LDL cholesterol while increasing good HDL cholesterol ground flaxseed can be added to cereals yogurt homemade muffins and to steamed vegetables for a nutty flavor Number 3 oatmeal many studies have confirmed that soluble dietary fiber intake greatly reduces the risk of developing heart disease a one-quarter cup serving of steel-cut oats provides 15 percent of the u.s department of agriculture's recommended daily allowance of fiber hot oatmeal and fresh berries are a treat for you and your heart Number 4 beans are very high in both soluble and insoluble fiber that helps control cholesterol and they are an extraordinary wellspring of lean protein rather than creature protein which is a lot higher in immersed fat that can stop up heart arteries beans also provide magnesium b complex vitamins niacin folate-omega-3 fatty acids and calcium Number 5 blueberries Blueberries are high in fiber and low in sugar and offer essential carotenoids the flavonoid anthocyanin ellagic acid vitamin C calcium and potassium Number 6 tofu is a great alternative to animal protein that is high in saturated fat and provides niacin folate calcium magnesium and potassium Number 7 red wine and grapes the catechin and resveratrol flavonoids in red wine are believed to reduce the risk of heart disease red grapes are rich in flavonoids so there is no need to start drinking just for heart health raw fresh garlic and garlic supplements are also great sources of catching Number 8 tuna is a fatty fish that is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids it also provides folate and niacin
Number 9 Walnuts like almonds walnuts offer essential nutrients for heart health including heart favorable mono and polyunsaturated fats magnesium folate fiber and vitamin E. Number 10 brown rice brown rice is a healthy whole grain that is much better for heart health than white processed rice it gives you b complex vitamins niacin magnesium and fiber Number 11 Soy milk soymilk is fortified with heart-healthy nutrients including isoflavones niacin folate calcium magnesium and phytoestrogen potassium and b complex vitamins Number 12. Almonds are nourishment forces to be reckoned with that give heart-accommodating mono and polyunsaturated fats and magnesium vitamin E phytosterols pick crude nuts without added pungent or sweet garnishes Cacao-dusted almonds are a great option to get an added boost of antioxidants from the chocolate pure almond butter is a superfood that provides healthy fats and makes a great snack as a dip for fruit to satisfy the sweet tooth or on whole grain toast for breakfast Number 13. carrots carrots offer beta-carotene and fiber they are also beneficial for vision health they make a great sweet snack Number 14. spinach kale and all leafy greens are nature's superfoods and provide the best of what plant foods have to offer including gluten b complex vitamins magnesium potassium calcium and fiber choose spinach instead of lettuce for nutrient-packed salads and sandwiches Number 15 tomatoes are delicious and sweet
And while we often refer to them as vegetables they are actually fruits for heart health tomatoes offer lycopene beta and alpha-carotene gluten vitamin C folate fiber and potassium eat them in salads as snacks in smoothies baked with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese and in healthy sauces over whole grain pasta Number 16 sweet potatoes sweet is a greatly improved decision than white potatoes since they offer more supplements and are lower on the glycemic record which makes them more compelling for blood sugar and offers these nutrients for heart health beta-carotene vitamins a c and e fiber Number 17 whole grain cereals whole grain cereals like whole wheat and oat bran help to lower cholesterol
Number 18 Broccoli broccoli like all green vegetables is low in calories nutrient-rich and can be eaten in abundance broccoli gives you many nutrients for heart health including beta-carotene vitamin C a b6 and fiber eat it steamed as a side dish or chop fresh broccoli into soup also makes a great snack when dipped into nutrient-rich hummus
Number 19 oranges are high in fiber and provide essential antioxidants to protect from free radicals they also provide beta-cryptoxanthin gluten flavonoids lots of vitamin C folate fiber and potassium eat the whole fruit as juicing removes the pulp and eliminates the fiber Number 20 asparagus is another awesome green vegetable that is low in calories and Heart-healthy offers essential nutrients such as beta-carotene and gluten b complex vitamins fiber and folate Number 21 acorn squash is a vegetable rich in antioxidants including beta carotene lutein b complex and vitamin C. This tasty vegetable also provides folate calcium magnesium potassium and fiber Number 22 cantaloupe this juicy sweet fruit is good for heart health due to its rich content of antioxidants including alpha and beta carotene gluten b complex vitamins and vitamin C it is also a high fiber fruit that can help prevent high cholesterol Number 23 papaya papaya is another sweet and delicious fruit that can help lower risks of heart disease by providing you with beta carotene beta-cryptoxanthin vitamins e and c
Gluten calcium magnesium and potassium Number 24 Dark chocolate Dark-chocolate that is at least 60 percent cacao contains resveratrol and cocoa phenol flavonoids that are effective antioxidants in preventing heart disease Number 25 Green tea Green tea has many health benefits some of which are rooted in its content of catechin and flavonols that help to reduce heart disease risks.
1.5 Heart Problem
* 6 Signs of a Silent Heart Attack That Are Always Ignored
He was just going to visit the doctor for indigestion. But the reports came in saying that he suffered a heart attack a few weeks ago. You’re shocked and thinking, what could have possibly gone wrong?
In all honesty, your body offers you unobtrusive hints just before a quiet respiratory failure. Do cold sweats mean anything? Can pain in the right arm be a sign?
We are discussing all that and more. Need to understand what a quiet respiratory failure is? Most movies show a heart attack by someone clutching their chest real tight, gasping for breath, or blacking out.
But it’s not always so dramatic. Contrary to Hollywood heart attacks, a silent heart attack has zero to minimal symptoms. Doctors call it silent myocardial ischemia.
It is very challenging to accept That something as gigantic as a coronary failure can occur without you in any event, knowing it. Research says that 45% of heart attacks are silent. The possibility of ladies getting struck by one is a lot higher than men.
The symptoms of a silent heart attack are so mild they’re often confused for some other less serious problem. But what actually causes silent heart attacks? Your heart is fueled by oxygen-rich blood.
Cholesterol-rich plaque starts collecting in your coronary arteries. When platelets from your blood start adhering to the plaque site it forms a blood clot and may hinder blood flow. Your heart muscles cannot function optimally with diminished or no oxygen.
They lose their capacity to pump blood. This causes a silent heart attack. The longer your heart is without oxygenated blood the more gruesome the effects.
Thus, very much like some other cardiovascular failures, one might say that atherosclerosis is the underlying driver. Most times - you will be able to figure out the reason for a deadly heart attack. It will either Be your cigarettes, junk food that's loaded with salt, or stress.
Concentrates on showing that in the event that you are a sort 2 diabetic, it fundamentally builds your possibilities of a quiet respiratory failure. But that's not always the case. A few things that can push you towards a silent heart attack are sometimes out of your control.
Family history of heart disease, preeclampsia during pregnancy, and covid-19 can make the situation tricky. Also, if you are a postmenopausal woman above 55 years of age or a man above 45 years of age then your chances of getting a heart attack increase. Would you like to hear a few stunning insights?
One person gets a heart attack every 40 seconds in the United States alone. In any case, your heart is substantially more astute than you naturally suspect. It will let your body know before shutting down completely.
If you keep a close eye on some unusual symptoms you might be successful in preventing a disaster. You don't need to trust that the cardiovascular treatment will start after a respiratory failure. Preventative cardiac care may successfully stop you from getting one.
Be that as it may, how do you have any idea while you're having a quiet respiratory failure? Here are a few signs that the American Heart Association asks you to look out for. Do you have a persistent flu?
Natural teas and hot steam inward breath at home could not completely help. Every one of us feels under the weather once in a while. It can be due to excessive exposure to cold or catching it from someone.
The flu infection is answerable for making you hack. You may experience continuous pain in the throat and feel nauseated. The symptoms usually take a week or two to go away completely.
But if you are feeling choked up, even after a long time, it's best to see your doctor. Have you been feeling bloated for a while? At the point when your heart can't siphon sufficient blood there will be liquid gathering in your grasp, feet, and around the paunch.
The water weight makes your regular clothes fit differently. If you’re feeling uncomfortable for a long time then it won't be a bad idea to visit your doctor. Are you sweating a lot these days?
Sweating is a great way to get rid of the toxins from your body. It's your body's normal reaction to actual effort or to blistering and sticky environments. But if you are sweating rivers, even when the thermostat is turned down, you need to act quickly.
There is likewise a justification for why indigestion ought to never be disregarded. Having spiced sausages or sriracha meatballs for dinner can cause a burning sensation in your digestive tract. So much so that it causes discomfort in your chest.
Chest Pain is the cardinal indication of a heart attack. Advanced stages of diabetes are most commonly accompanied by neuropathy. This means your nerves are no longer receptive to stimuli.
You may not feel anything in the wake of contracting something extremely hot or after a needle prick. A similar applies to coronary failure too. A diabetic may not feel a crushing heart attack That strongly.
The nerve damage will successfully silence it. The pressure, squeezing, and fullness in your heart may seem just like another digestive issue. According to a 10-year-long study, 8% of diabetic participants had suffered from a silent heart attack and had no idea about it.
It’s that dangerous! You could have heard that torment during a cardiovascular failure transmits just to the left arm. But that's not always the case.
Sometimes the pain may occur in the center of the chest, the right hand, jaws, teeth, abdomen, and the back, too. This backache is different from the one that you get after sitting at your desk for too long. This is called angina pectoris.
I realize these signs appear to be truly challenging to detect yet trust me, your body will know when you feel unique. These abnormal side effects might be joined by chest torment. Moving along, feeling tired should never be dismissed as unimportant.
It could mean something less serious but the probability of a silent heart Attack cannot be denied. This tiredness is much different than working through those extra hours at the office or running an extra mile on the treadmill. It sometimes can be linked with lightheadedness and difficulty breathing.
If you experience any of these then don't sit on it. It's best to go to the hospital. Your doctor will run a few tests to find out what's going on.
For the most part, an electrocardiogram, CT output, and X-ray are the highest quality levels while investigating a coronary failure. Your heart also sends messengers to the bloodstream that can be picked up via blood tests before and after a silent heart attack. Those are called cardiac biomarkers.
Stress tests and coronary angiograms additionally assist with determination. And if you're having a real cardiac arrest a team of heart doctors will be involved. Depending on the severity they might put you on blood thinners like Aspirin or Nitroglycerine that ensure adequate blood supply to your heart.
Once the blood clots Open up and your oxygen-carrying capacity improves they will monitor your progress. Sometimes invasive surgery like stenting, ballooning, or bypass surgeries can also be planned if the blood vessels have narrowed too much. During a silent heart attack, the patient may never even visit the hospital and is still alive.
This doesn't mean you can simply excuse quiet coronary episodes as something unimportant. You might feel that you have conquered the Number one killer but be warned it has dangerous aftereffects. Did you know that a silent heart attack increases your chances of getting another one by 35%?
The duration of a heart attack is different for everyone. Most regularly it might endure from around 15 to 30 minutes. Anything beyond that causes irreversible changes.
In some people, it may cause the heart to lose its normal rhythm and develop a condition called cardiac arrhythmia. Other long-haul impacts likewise increment your endanger of a stroke further down the road. Want to know how to reduce the risk of a silent heart attack?
Make a healthy switch today. Start exercising. Begin with walking around the block.
Slowly start brisk walking. In a few days, you will feel motivated to jog. Take up meditation or yoga.
They will have a positive effect on your heart health. Stir it up with heart-stimulating exercise, dance, or Zumba Lastly, don't forget to add up some resistance training.
Focus on eating nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods. Fiber from raw vegetables can keep your heart in great shape. Remember to have Omega 3-rich foods like salmon, avocado, and walnuts regularly.
Say no to unnecessary snacking and sweets. Have a piece of fruit when you have a sweet craving. It will assist you with dealing with your blood glucose better.
If you manage your weight, blood glucose levels, cholesterol, and blood pressure the atherosclerotic plaque can be stopped from turning into blockages. Also, quit tobacco. Studies have shown smoking tobacco causes restricting of the conduits and supplies less oxygenated blood to fundamental organs.
Our aim here is to get Maximum oxygenated blood running through your system. And smoking clearly won’t help. Besides your heart, your brain also needs nurturing and care unless you want to fall prey to dementia, Alzheimer's, or stroke.
1.6 The Feeling of Heart Condition
* What Does Having a Heart Attack Feel Like
What does a heart attack feel like it's often not what you imagine there seems to be this sort of persistent myth out there that if it's not sharp it can't be your heart and that's wrong yeah Hollywood has given us a clearer picture of what a heart attack looks like someone clutching their chest and crashing to the ground yeah but in real life the signs can be far more subtle and confusing dr. Frank McGeorge Joins us with an eye-opening look at the symptoms everybody needs to know what does a heart attack feel like three survivors with three very different sets of symptoms would you recognize the signs in time to save your life scruciating pain my upper back I had pain down my arms into my hands I felt lightheaded little nauseous and something was definitely not right I was I told my wife I had heartburn mowing the lawn I wouldn't get winded and then The weirdest thing is my teeth would hurt that's kind of like okay my teeth hurt that might tell some made my teeth hurt three survivors three very different sets of symptoms Keith Frost and Ann Arbor noticed his warning signs months before he went into cardiac arrest leaving a Michigan football game I never had the elephant on the chest feeling I never had the heart palpitations I never had any of the other things Greg Meredith Brighton felt his unexplained heartburn the day before his heart stopped it was likely signaling me to say now's the time to go kortnee Alexander of Saline had just finished a day of skiing when her symptoms struck out of the blue had no risk factors no family history of anything especially heart disease sometimes it's difficult for even physicians to figure out what's going on in those first few minutes dr. Brad you ran at the University of Michigan says it's common for patients to miss or dismiss the red flags there seems to be this sort of persistent myth out there that if it's not sharp it can't be your heart and that's wrong I've had an EKG in my hand and clearly showed that person was having a heart attack and as I try to explain that to the patient they said no no I'm not having any chest pain there's just as pressure here and in fact if you look at how most People experience heart pain it's actually a heavy pressure in the chest with a with a squeezing sensation maybe radiating to the shoulder the jaw the back associated with some shortness of breath nausea being sweaty those are the classic symptoms women in people with diabetes are more likely to experience different or more subtle symptoms and while some heart problems are sudden often there were warning signs if you look at people who've had heart attacks Often you can go back and ask them and in the days weeks and months preceding that they'll talk about well normally when I walk up the flight of stairs at work I can do that with no problem and now I'm getting this tightness or this discomfort waiting until symptoms are severe can result in a deadly delay if you're actually having heart muscle damage the the longer that you wait and let that heart muscle die the worse off you will be as an emergency physician I'd rather see somebody at the beginning of the problem rather than at the end don't sit at home trying to self diagnose don't wait Keith Gregg and Gordon are grateful they survived they hope others learn from their stories make sure you see your doctor because they're the ones there's a the best thing to do is to go get this checked out don't do what I did and say well I'm sure it's gonna be fine someone in the u.
s. suffers a heart Attack every 43 seconds would you know what to do if it was you tomorrow at 5:00 I'll show you the four steps that could help save your life and that's definitely something everybody needs to see tomorrow at 5:00 yeah one of the experts as we heard them one of them say as a general rule if you're sitting at home googling what are the symptoms of a heart attack well there's a fair chance you're having a heart attack and should be calling 911 Steps it's better to be safe than sorry for sure we want to turn this into a learning experience for everybody if you or a loved one our heart attack survivor go to our Facebook page or the good health page and share your story because we want to know what does a heart attack feel like so you can help others to recognize that you know what's happening faster so people don't know may not be what we expect and tomorrow at 12:15
Thank you!