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Eyes Tell You About Your Health
So I'm sure that you've heard that the eyes are the windows to the soul right but reality they're more like Windows to your health and I bet you'll be surprised by how the health of different bodily organs all show up through your eyes so here's my top nine of what your eyes are telling me about your health so let's take a look hey eyes inside there my friends Dr Arslan.
Here from the Dr Eye Health show helping me learn everything about the eyes and seeing your very best now when I first look at somebody's eyes the first thing I'm usually seeing is just the outside appearance of their eyes so number one is just somebody having Red Eyes if somebody's eyes are red it's not just meaning that they have an infection like with pink eye or that perhaps they've been smoking something in fact red eyes can be caused by many different things
certainly, allergies dry eye conditions maybe they got poked in the eye or scratched in the eye but somebody having red eyes is really just an indication that something is unhappy with their eyeball for some people having red eyes could be a sign of something like a uveitis or a scleritis these are deeper inflammatory issues that are occurring not just within the eye but are often linked and associated with other things going on in the body the case of uveitis could be linked to inflammation due to Ankylosing Spondylitis and an inflammatory condition that affects your spine 9. also inflammatory bowel disease including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis then you also have static arthritis where people who have psoriasis on their skin somehow that inflammation affects the eyes and then also sarcoidosis and many other inflammatory diseases again it just baffles me and I think it's super interesting how just different parts of the body just if there's an inflammation in your gut it can cause inflammation in your eye I think it just goes to show you how crazy complex and beautiful the human body really is the second thing the eyes can tell you is if somebody has jaundice this is probably the most famous sort of eye condition that I think people turning yellow or your skin is yellow
This can be a sign of jaundice jaundice is a condition where too much bilirubin is building up within your body it is often a sign that something is not going right with your liver so unfortunately if you see somebody with yellow eyes there could be something going on with their liver anything from infections to medications could be gallstones or even cancer thankfully however jaundice is pretty rare player so I personally haven't even had to run across it yet number three on this list is that of a white or yellowish ring that grows on the outside of the colored part of your eye if you ever run up to a mirror look into a friend's eyes you might be able to see this little white or yellow ring starting to form on the outside there and that is in fact a deposit of lipid or fat that is depositing in the cornea stroma so in fact it's not actually depositing in the color part of the eye it's in the cornea the front window to the eye and we call this development corneal arcus and if we happen to notice it in somebody who's younger like under the age of 40 it could be an indication of dyslipidemia or elevated cholesterol levels however if you ever go up to somebody who's a bit older like if you walk up to your grandparents if you're comfortable getting that close you might be able to notice that they do have this white ring growing there this is pretty common in anybody that's over the age of 60 and we call that arcus sinilus and this is believed to occur more often as you get older because your blood vessels are more permeable to lipid deposits as you get older but still if I see this in a young individual I'm worried that they have elevated cholesterol levels or something's wrong with their lipids and they could be at increased risk of heart attack stroke or some other cardiovascular event number four on my list here is that of having redness under your eyelids if you ask a friend just to look for you it's pretty hard to do it in the mirror but if you look down toward the floor and lift up your upper eyelid if the white part of your eye there is more red like a big red patch that could be an indication of what is called SLK or Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis and this condition this SLK is highly associated with thyroid disease and that's because in the cases of thyroid eye disease the eye muscles around the eye become swollen and that pushes the eyes outward kind of creating this bulging eye look and then the eyelid the top eyelid especially has a little bit more friction on the top of the eye and then that rubs and causes more inflammation now if someone happens to be a contact lens where perhaps that redness could be from the contact not sitting right but still whenever we see that in the eye clinic we usually have to go test for any set that somebody may have problems with their thyroid number five is the presence of a Pinguecula if you ever look in the mirror or take a picture and you notice a little
tiny raised bump or growth at three or nine o'clock on both of your eyes however they do tend to show up more often toward the nose those little raised bumps which could look white yellow pink or even red if it's inflamed we call that a pinguecula and he's usually assigned to me that this person has sunDamage basically uh through the course of your life if you're exposed to a lot of UV light radiation especially from the Sun or if you're around a lot of lakes or bodies of water that sunlight bounces off the water hits you in the face twice thankfully we're in wide room hats and UV light protecting sunglasses can slow down the progression of this disease and prevent it from occurring in the first place unfortunately if you already have a pinguecula sunglasses and hats I'm gonna reverse what you already have but it'll at least slow down down and hopefully prevent it from becoming inflamed or worse now number six is that of
Pupil Size there can be a lot to be said about pupil size here but this is genuinely something that I do look for when I meet new people and certainly anytime a patient comes into the clinic just in general your pupils are regulated by your autonomic nervous system as well as influenced by medications but if you ever see somebody with blown wide open pupils that's usually a sign that they are excited or really scared such as in the situation where like you're running away from a bear or maybe a burglar broke into your apartment or your home your pupils are going to dilate really big to let more information into your eye so that you can detect motion better and be able to react faster in those situations because that's going to increase your chances of survival in that scary situation and then just the opposite if you're really relaxed in a digestive mood you're just kind of chilling out your pupils are likely going to get much much smaller so when somebody comes into my clinic and they happen to be on some sort of medication or maybe using illicit drugs then just by looking at their pupils I can get an idea what they might be taking for example if they had used enlisted drug Like Cocaine that is an extreme stimulant your body is going to be really excited your pupils are humongous and large or on the flip side if somebody's using something like morphine a very powerful pain reliever then their pupils are going to be very very beady tiny or the fancy word views in the clinic as meiotic like little teeny pinpoint pupils but just some interesting fun facts is that normally young kids do have larger pupils and then your pupils get smaller and smaller as you get older so if you go up to your grandparents you may notice that their pupils are really tiny and in fact we have to use extra amounts of dilation medication in the clinic to get their their eyes open and the other cool fact is that your pupils will respond and dilate when you see something that you really like like if you're meeting somebody that you're attracted to or perhaps you have a really good hand in a game of poker in fact that's why a lot of poker players will wear sunglasses over their eyes so that you can't see where they're looking as well as you can't see their pupils dilate when they have a good hand now the times when I am mostly concerned about some of these pupils is when one pupil is a different size on one versus the other when somebody has different sized pupils we call that having an eye sicoria and the sicoria has many causes but it can be a sign of some very serious medical emergency is that's exactly why you'll see doctors on both TV shows and in real life flash a flashlight between each eye going back and forth something that we call the swinging flashlight test and they're specifically looking to see how your pupils react to light in different situations if one pupil isn't really reacting to light the correct way it could be a sign that somebody has an aneurysm or a stroke of some kind but before you go into the mirror look and you know freak out because you notice that one people slightly larger keep in mind about 20 percent of the general population does have physiological anasicoria where just one pupil is slightly like one millimeter larger in diameter and all lighting situations than the other people medicine doesn't fully understand why some people have this and even why it can sometimes switch sides but it's believed to be caused by some sort of transientAsymmetry in the neurological connections and feedback between your brain and the eye but still if you see somebody with one pupil really large and the other one's really small that might be a Telltale sign something is going on unless you're David Bowie and you notice that he has two different sized pupils I've read once that that was caused by trauma when he got into a fight or something on the playground when he was a kid but definitely let me know in the
Comment section if you or if you know somebody who has different size pupils because of trauma or some medical condition it's it's kind of interesting number seven instead of having recurrent eyelid styes now having a stye on your eyelid if you've never had one before there's two different forms one is an infection where it's really painful kind of red almost looks like a pimple developing on the outside of the eye uh the other one is called the chalazium and a chalazion is more like a hard nodule on your eyelid and those are more of a build-up or blocked up of the oil fluid inside the eyelid and it's pretty normal to get either one of these a few times in your life some people do tend to get them more often but if somebody is developing recurrent forms of these chalazion over and over and over in the exact same spot on their eyelid then your doctor like myself I have to be concerned that perhaps that's not a chalisia gun instead that could be a sign of a sebaceous carcinoma now I know there are people who do get recurrent styes all the time if you're hearing this and you're kind of freaking out uh definitely don't take my word for it go see the doctor ask them get their opinion on if there's anything you can do to reduce the size and of course for them just to consider if perhaps it is something like sebaceous cell carcinoma number eight on my list is that of pain with eye movements now if you just look to the far left look to your far to right and hold it there you'll probably notice a little bit of tension or pain kind of building up behind your eye that's not what I'm talking about here when I'm talking about somebody who can just barely shift their eyes around and they're like in throbbing pain around their eye and usually this pain with eye movement doesn't come alone usually someone also has a reduced Vision maybe double vision even reduced color vision in that one eye like if they compare back and forth they'll notice color vision is a little desaturated in one eye but in the Eye Care world if somebody does have pain with eye movement initially we always are concerned about something called Retro Ball bar optic neuritis or really just optic neuritis in a general sense optic neuritis is inflammation of the optic nerve behind the eye and if you can imagine this occurs because the optic nerve has a little bit of give to it on the back of the eye so when your eyes shift left and right the optic nerve actually kind of shifts and jumps around a little bit inside the optical cavity and if that optic nerve is swollen then you're going to feel that and you feel that as pain and the cases where people have this we do order a brain MRI because usually the eyeball looks normal in about two-thirds of cases but with an MRI we usually are looking specifically for any sort of white matter lesions that are indicative of something like Ms or multiple sclerosis an optic neuritis happens to be like the presenting feature and up to like 20 percent of Ms cases and almost 50 percent of everybody who it gets Ms will at some point have optic neuritis so yeah recognizing pain with eye movement is pretty important number nine is that of somebody having a White Cornea and in fact this is
Something that kind of frustrates me on a deeper level because of YouTube I see a lot of just kind of sketchy videos that get posted usually not by somebody in the healthcare field but they always have a thumbnail that has like an eyeball that has like a completely White Cornea or washed out cornea and then they have another picture of like a normal eye and it's some sort of terrible thing that's like reverse your glaucoma and cataracts 100 proven that
The eye otherwise I appreciate you for sticking around to the end keep an eye on it and we'll see you in the next one.